Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Blackberry Application World

This is something unique and cool that comes with blackberries which allows you to download themes, other instant messaging, games, news and weather reports, maps and lots more. The App World is so well designed that its not only for entertainment,  fun and communicating but, for business education and finance too. Its also listed whats free to download, top paid downloads and newest items. A Blackberry was designed to suit anyone and everyone, its like a moving communicating laptop at the palm of your hand. These are some of the interesting Free applications: Ever board...

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Watch the News With having a blackberry, applications like Viigo and Pocket express you can keep up with the latest sport, entertainment, polictical, financial and the world headlines as they happen. I konw watching the news is boring but, most people follow it and its good to know whats happening around the world you live in. Not only does it broaden knowledge it can also be a topic of conversation. Watch tv Missing out on a movie, a favorite series or even a live game? Well dont just sit there watch it on your blackberry. It is one of the reasons why you got it right? Watch YouTube If you have an o.s. of 4.3 or higher why not...

Blackberry keypads

Let your fingers do the walking in style. ...

Blackberry cases

Change your lifestyle and start looking smart. ...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Blackberry covers

Blackberry covers Whats so cool about having a Blackberry is that you can have nearly any designed cover for the phone. So while covering your phone to prevent scrathes and further damage you can be looking cool and smart at the same time. You can get plain ones, coloured ones, pictured ones and the cool thing is that there are covers for girls whom would prefer taking a pink or even a Hello Kitty cover. Girls can even get the designer kit and bedazzle their own style onto their Balckberry. So if you have a Blackberry and dont have a cover its best you make a plan and get one because there are those silly moments...

Monday, 7 March 2011

Different types of blackberrys with specifications

Navigation and typing 9000,9650,9700,9780Full QWERTY keyboardEsc key to right of trackpad/trackballMenu key to left of trackpad/trackballKeyboard backlighting 9000Trackball 9650,9700,9780Optical trackpad Ringtones and notifications 9000,9650,9700,9780Polyphonic/MIDI ringtonesMP3 ringtonesVibrate modeLED indicator Memory 9000128 MB onboard memory1 GB internal memory mediaExpandable memory 9700256 MB onboard memory2 GB media card includedExpandable memory   9650,9780512 MB onboard memory2 GB media card includedExpandable memory Battery life 9000Talk time : You can talk up to 4.3 hoursStandby time : It can last up to 13.5 days/324...

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Why you should get a Blackberry

1. Qwerty Keyboard It comes with a real set keyboard, which is unique and easy to get used to. Its as if you are using your computer like the one at home and its suitable for most teenagers, parents, buisness people, family and friends and many more. 2. Camera and FlashThe Blackberry is set to come with a camera and a flash, which comes in very handy. It helps to remember those unforgetable memories, new places, new friends and even those business plans that are to big to carry and cant fit in ur bag. Along with photo taking you can also change the modes on your phone allowing you to be able to use the video recorder...

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