Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Blackberry Application World

This is something unique and cool that comes with blackberries which allows you to download themes, other instant messaging, games, news and weather reports, maps and lots more. The App World is so well designed that its not only for entertainment,  fun and communicating but, for business education and finance too. Its also listed whats free to download, top paid downloads and newest items. A Blackberry was designed to suit anyone and everyone, its like a moving communicating laptop at the palm of your hand.

These are some of the interesting Free applications:

Ever board of seeing the same red flashing light for any alert, message or incoming call? Now with BeBuzz you can customise different lights for different alerts, messages or incoming calls.

This programe comes in handy for ever running late and need to be on time. Blackberry Traffic gives you the ETA (estimated time of arrival) and shows you if roads are closed which will then calculate an alternative and faster route.


Now you can tune in to radio and listen to over 40 000 radio stations including AM/FM stations. So now there is no excuse for driving or walking in silence.        

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Watch the News
With having a blackberry, applications like Viigo and Pocket express you can keep up with the latest sport, entertainment, polictical, financial and the world headlines as they happen. I konw watching the news is boring but, most people follow it and its good to know whats happening around the world you live in. Not only does it broaden knowledge it can also be a topic of conversation.

Watch tv
Missing out on a movie, a favorite series or even a live game? Well dont just sit there watch it on your blackberry. It is one of the reasons why you got it right?

Watch YouTube
If you have an o.s. of 4.3 or higher why not site back relax and enjoy the art of video streaming.

Weather reports
Never again will you end up in a new area where you should of brought those extra  warm clothes or swim wear.

Blackberry keypads

Let your fingers do the walking in style.

Blackberry cases

Change your lifestyle and start looking smart.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Blackberry covers

Blackberry covers
Whats so cool about having a Blackberry is that you can have nearly any designed cover for the phone. So while covering your phone to prevent scrathes and further damage you can be looking cool and smart at the same time. You can get plain ones, coloured ones, pictured ones and the cool thing is that there are covers for girls whom would prefer taking a pink or even a Hello Kitty cover. Girls can even get the designer kit and bedazzle their own style onto their Balckberry. So if you have a Blackberry and dont have a cover its best you make a plan and get one because there are those silly moments where you drop it by accident on forget that its on your lap while getting out of your car, and im sure thats happened to most people. For the long run its only going to make your Blackberry look like its still in good condition and for that your resale value on it would benefit you alot better than what it would look like without one.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Different types of blackberrys with specifications

Navigation and typing

Full QWERTY keyboard
Esc key to right of trackpad/trackball
Menu key to left of trackpad/trackball
Keyboard backlighting


Optical trackpad

Ringtones and notifications

Polyphonic/MIDI ringtones
MP3 ringtones
Vibrate mode
LED indicator


128 MB onboard memory
1 GB internal memory media
Expandable memory

256 MB onboard memory
2 GB media card included
Expandable memory  

512 MB onboard memory
2 GB media card included
Expandable memory

Battery life

Talk time : You can talk up to 4.3 hours
Standby time : It can last up to 13.5 days/324 hours
Playback music time : Music can be played for 12.8 hours

Talk time : You can talk up to 5 hours
Standby time : It can last up to 13 days/312 hours
Playback music time : Music can be played for 18 hours

Talk time : You can talk up to 6 hours
Standby time : It can last up to 21 days/504 hours
Playback music time : Music can be played for 38 hours

Talk time : You can talk up to 6 hours
Standby time : It can last up to 22 days/528 hours
Playback music time : Music can be played for 36 hours

802.11 a

802.11 b / g
WPA / WPA2 Personal and Enterprise
Cisco CCX certified
Wi-Fi® access to BlackBerry® Enterprise Server
Wi-Fi access to BlackBerry® Internet Bundle
Support for UMA (carrier-dependent)

Voice and audio
3.5 mm stereo headset jack
Built-in speakerphone

Mono/stereo headset
Hands-free operation
Phone book access profile (PBAP)
Serial port profile
Stereo audio (A2DP/AVCRP)
Dial-up networking (DUN

Bluetooth version 2.0

Bluetooth version 2.1

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Why you should get a Blackberry

1. Qwerty Keyboard 
It comes with a real set keyboard, which is unique and easy to get used to. Its as if you are using your computer like the one at home and its suitable for most teenagers, parents, buisness people, family and friends and many more.

2. Camera and Flash
The Blackberry is set to come with a camera and a flash, which comes in very handy. It helps to remember those unforgetable memories, new places, new friends and even those business plans that are to big to carry and cant fit in ur bag. Along with photo taking you can also change the modes on your phone allowing you to be able to use the video recorder and the best part about it is that it comes with a flash, for those dark places u wish to take photos in. 

3. Google Maps
Ever get lost? Not anymore. Blackberrys have the goolge maps software which allows you to view maps all over. Its also designed to find places in your area which u desire, if it being a restuarant, hotel, car rentals or a train station. When plotting for an area to get to, the maps highlight which route is the best and quickest route to get there and dont worry if you miss a turn off it will calculate an alternative route for you to get there. Speed and distance can also be viewed to see what speeds u do and how much distanced you have covered and how much more km's u still got to do.

4. Google Latitude
Have u ever wondered where your unreachable friends, family or even partner could be? Google latitude allows u to share your location with whom you want and when. This comes in very handy as it can be the source of a life saver one day. 

5. Featured Options
Wheather its twitter or twitpic both of these allow me to access them from my Blackberry. I can chat to my friends, get direct messages form facebook to my balckberry and can receive and send my emails. Blackberry is the only mobile phone which has its own free messenger thus keeping in contact with other Blackberry owners. Blackberry Application world features more applications like gaming, instant messaging and many more. As well as those options the Blackberry also includes the more common and more frequently used  to use like an alarm clock, calender, browser, gallery, phone book, voice recorder, camera, games and a few more.

6. Music
Thanks to the Balckberry application store i can download Shazam so i can download all song types amdamy song. depending on what memory card you have you can store over a thousand songs. Some Blackberrys also has the feature to control what song you play or pause with the keypads on top of the phone, making it easier to hanlde your music playing. For even more music RIM has updated their Blackberry synchronization software so that now I can sync playlists from my iTunes directly to my Blackberry. So instead of having to carry and deal with a walkman or mp3 player the Blackberry has it all for you, you can either listen to your music on your head phones or on loud speaker.Lets face it nothings worse than chilling around with no vibe without music.

7. Blackberry Messenger
This is the fisrt phone to have its own instant messaging service thats free that comes alongwith the phone. Any Blackberry owners have the option to stay connected with each other andshare music and vidoes over the chat service.This service is very easy to use and set up, once your line activated you are then able to view your bbm pin and share it with friends or family to be instantly connected to each other.You will soon have enough contacts to put then into different cattergories and you can even upload your own personal profile picture and status.

8. Connections  
All Blackberrys come with network, bluetooth and wi-fi conections. Allowing you make and recieve calls over the network. Exchange and share information, pictures, music and vidoes through bluetooth. With out having air time to connect to the internet, wi-fi creates the option to connect other modems in allowing you to search and surf the net.

Over and all getting a Blackberry is the next bug thing, along with what is mentioned, I personally have a Blackberry and its made my life allot easier and straight forward. Blackberry has direct access to Facebook, internet, email, instant messaging and allot more. Blackberry is so unique with its own design and instant FREE messenger. Blackberry is so world renowned and can be taken any where and will still be able to function. Blackberry is the new fun of adventure and the togetherness of business and partners, a world without blackberry now just would not do it. Not only are Blackberrys for entertainment but, they are the next generation of com-merging businesses and partners whom just could not stay in touch. Blackberry now compensates for all down falls and on the move actions.   

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