Blackberry covers
Whats so cool about having a Blackberry is that you can have nearly any designed cover for the phone. So while covering your phone to prevent scrathes and further damage you can be looking cool and smart at the same time. You can get plain ones, coloured ones, pictured ones and the cool thing is that there are covers for girls whom would prefer taking a pink or even a Hello Kitty cover. Girls can even get the designer kit and bedazzle their own style onto their Balckberry. So if you have a Blackberry and dont have a cover its best you make a plan and get one because there are those silly moments where you drop it by accident on forget that its on your lap while getting out of your car, and im sure thats happened to most people. For the long run its only going to make your Blackberry look like its still in good condition and for that your resale value on it would benefit you alot better than what it would look like without one.
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