Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Blackberry messenger

Blackberry messenger or BBM is one of the most unique thing about having a Blackberry. BBM allows you to stay connected to friends, family and even co-workers all over the world. Its instant, fast and easy to use, even older people can use it. Not only is it used for instant messaging, it also allows you to share videos pictures and music. BMM also gives you the option to create groups for different people, like males and females, firends and family and so on. Along with that you can send broadcast messages, jokes or even warnings to the selected people on your BBM. So if you dont ahve a Blackberry its best suggested you getone asap, youll be saving a lot of money and youll be able to see what your contacts are up to by their statuses. So come on join the world of sociality all on a phone.

How to add contacts to your BBM:

Extra features on BBM:


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