This is something unique and cool that comes with blackberries which allows you to download themes, other instant messaging, games, news and weather reports, maps and lots more. The App World is so well designed that its not only for entertainment, fun and communicating but, for business education and finance too. Its also listed whats free to download, top paid downloads and newest items. A Blackberry was designed to suit anyone and everyone, its like a moving communicating laptop at the palm of your hand.
These are some of the interesting Free applications:

This programe comes in handy for ever running late and need to be on time. Blackberry Traffic gives you the ETA (estimated time of arrival) and shows you if roads are closed which will then calculate an alternative and faster route.
Now you can tune in to radio and listen to over 40 000 radio stations including AM/FM stations. So now there is no excuse for driving or walking in silence.
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